caridina 🦐

A Matrix client library written in Crystal.

It is also a species of shrimp, one of them being named "crystal red". Crystal for the language, red for the Matrix's red pill.

<img alt="a crystal red shrimp" src="" width=250/>


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

`yaml dependencies:

   github: erdnaxeli/caridina


  1. Run shards install


The API documentation is available here.


Create a new connection object:

require "caridina"

conn =
  "my access token",

You can also login to get a new access token:

access_token = Caridina::Connection.login(
  "my secret password",


Now we can create a new channel, and tell the connection object to start syncing. The sync responses will be streamed in the channel.

matrix = Channel(Caridina::Responses::Sync).new

sync = matrix.receive

You have now a sync response.

If you don't want to go through the whole sync response by yourself (which is understandable), we provide you a Caridina::Syncer object.

require "caridina/syncer"

syncer =
syncer.on(Caridina::Events::Message) do |event|
  event =
  # TODO: actually do something

:warning: The syncer is a new feature still in development. > It currently only supports events in the joined rooms timeline. > To access to other events, you need to go through the sync response.

Read event

The events in the sync response are all Caridina::Events::Event objects. You need to restrict the type of an event object to access all its fields.

sync.rooms.try &.join.each do |room_id, room| do |event|
    case event
    when Caridina::Events::Member
      # someone's membership changed
    when Caridina::Events::PowerLevels
      # some authorization changed
    when Caridina::Events::Message
      # someone talked
      # unknown event

Sometimes the event's content can be polymorphic too. That is especially the case for message events. By using again a case clause to event.content you can restrict its type to access all its fields.

Send events

There is not a single method to send an event. Instead this library provides a set of methods that correspond to different actions you may want to do. You usually do not need to worry about crafting the event to send.

:warning: This part is in a early stage. > Only a few methods are currently provided.
# join a room
# send a message
event_id = conn.send_message("!", "Hello, world!")
# edit a message
conn.edit_message("!", event_id, "Hello, world!")
# send a read receipt
conn.send_receipt("!", "$")
# Use the typing notification as a loader
conn.typing("!") do
  # Do some processing.
  # While we are in the block, a typing notification will be shown on the given
  # room.
  conn.send_message("!", "All done!")


Install the dependencies with shards install.


  1. Fork it (<>)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
