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Feel free to contribute to Clip!

If you spot a bug, you can open a pull request to fix it. If you are not sure how to do it, just open an issue to discuss about it.

Here are some tips to develop on Clip, assuming you have already cloned the repository.

Install the dependencies

Don't forget to install the dependencies. There is only one so far, and it is a dev one, but it will be useful.

$ shards install
Resolving dependencies
Installing ameba (0.14.2)
Postinstall of ameba: make bin && make run_file

Develop your fix or feature

Always remember to commit your modification on a separated branch.

The majority of the Clip features are done with macros. Macros look like Crystal code, but they actually use a different language that is interpreted at compilation time by the compiler. The code is not easy to read, don't hesitate to ask for help!

You may want to read the reference about macros and the macro module documentation.

Write and run the tests

Whether you fixed a bug or developed a new feature, you need to write a test to test the new behavior.

Then run the tests:

$ crystal spec

Finished in 5.95 milliseconds
136 examples, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pending

Run static code analysis

Ameba provides some hints about the code, to prevent wrong code constructions.

Run it with:

$ ./bin/ameba
Inspecting 16 files


Finished in 279.16 milliseconds
17 inspected, 0 failure


There is currently an open issue on Ameba about Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVar, you can skip this failure.

Open a pull request

Your code is now done, congrats! Your can open a pull request, I will try to look at it quickly :)