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This tutorial will cover step by step all the features of Clip. We will build a project together to explore them. You need a working Crystal environment.

First, we create a new project:

$ crystal init app myapplication
    create  /home/erdnaxeli/bacasable/myapplication/.gitignore
    create  /home/erdnaxeli/bacasable/myapplication/.editorconfig
    create  /home/erdnaxeli/bacasable/myapplication/LICENSE
    create  /home/erdnaxeli/bacasable/myapplication/
    create  /home/erdnaxeli/bacasable/myapplication/.travis.yml
    create  /home/erdnaxeli/bacasable/myapplication/shard.yml
    create  /home/erdnaxeli/bacasable/myapplication/src/
    create  /home/erdnaxeli/bacasable/myapplication/spec/
    create  /home/erdnaxeli/bacasable/myapplication/spec/
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/erdnaxeli/bacasable/myapplication/.git/

Then we add Clip as a dependency in shards.yml:

    github: erdnaxeli/clip

In a real project you should add a constraint on the version, but we will skip it here. You can see the latest version in the header of this documentation or on the releases page.

We can now build the app and run it:

$ shards build
Resolving dependencies
Installing clip (0.2.2)
Writing shard.lock
Building: myapplication
$ ./bin/myapplication

In the next step we will write a simple application.